
Southern East Anglia (SEA) Area Meeting (AM) refers to the group of Friends living within Southern East Anglia and to the business meetings they hold. Local Meetings report to the Area Meeting and together discern matters of common interest.  SEA AMs are held every two months in different Meeting Houses.

Local or Area Meetings for Worship for Business are conducted in what is called the Quaker business method.  These meetings begin in silence and allow time between contributions for silent and respectful reflection and for spiritual discernment. This leads to a sense of shared understanding and unity in decision-making. The outcome is not necessarily one that everyone agrees with, but one that all present can accept, in the knowledge that their views have been heard and considered.

Find out more about the Quaker business method:

Recent business information

Click on the toggle to open the relevant information.


In preparation for our next Area Meeting

Preparing for the next Area Meeting


It is possible that the next Area Meeting will be held on line




Quakers’ abbreviations

Download our helpful guide to Quaker abbreviations.


AM Documents


First Contact For Funeral Arrangements

Charles Bather

Melanie Read

Rod Usher
