Below is a list of forthcoming Quaker events across north Essex and south Suffolk including Southern East Anglia Area Meetings and other events you might find interesting.
Area Meeting
The next Area Meeting for Worship will be held in Colchester Meeting House, blended, at 10.30am on April 9th. It will be followed by the business meeting at We hope it will be a catered lunch as last October. The afternoon will be run by the Quaker Quest group, looking again at what we are as Quakers, what it means for us. This will not be blended as we move around.
Yearly meeting 2022
Yearly Meeting 2022 will take place between 27–30 May with preparation events from 21 May. Some Quakers will take part online, while others will attend in person at Friends’ House. There will be in-person events suitable for different ages, and some online.
The theme will be ‘faith, community and action’ and will address three big questions:
Faith: How do we experience worship, community and witness?
Community: How can we build Quaker communities that respond to challenges and put faith into action?
Action: How can we transform thinking and action in Quaker communities and wider society?
Registration is live from 10 February 2022. You must book whether attending in person or aiming to use zoom.
Residential Gathering at Belsey Bridge
Dates for your diary: October 20-23 2023 Ditchingham, Suffolk. Further details are in the newsletter. We would like you to voice an interest in coming so that an appropriate programme can be planned. Children will be very welcome.
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