About Quakers

Quakers share a way of life rather than a set of beliefs.

We seek to experience God directly, within ourselves and in our relationships with others and the world around us.

We are rooted in Christianity yet open to new light from wherever it may come.

We seek out the light of God within us all and work for social justice, peace, equality and the environment.

Local Quakers are part of a national body, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). To find out more, visit Quakers in Britain.

About Southern East Anglia (SEA) Quaker Meeting

Friends from our five local meetings come together six times a year as Southern East Anglia Area Meeting. Within Britain Yearly Meeting there are some 70 such Area Meetings.

An Area Meeting is responsible for matters of membership. It also appoints local elders and overseers and sends representatives to national Quaker bodies.

It appoints Friends to serve as trustees, the legal body managing the affairs of Southern East Anglia Area Meeting as a charity.

The meeting consults on matters of current interest and occasionally invites speakers or organises other activities of interest to Friends.

Our business meetings are held in a spirit of shared worship. Decisions are taken and recorded in minutes made in accordance with the Quaker business method.

The Area Meeting is registered for charitable purposes and has a body of trustees appointed from its members. The relationship between the Area Meeting and its trustees is set out in a memorandum of understanding.

Meet some Quakers!

The best way to find out about Quakers and SEA Area Meeting is to meet some Quakers. You are welcome to come to a Meeting for Worship. Attenders are also welcome at business meetings; we ask that you please speak to the clerk beforehand.

In this film, Quakers in Watford tell about what being Quaker means to them. Click here to watch their film.

At Britain Yearly Meeting Gathering, Trustees presented a video report of UK Quaker work in 2013. Quakers from Northumbria give their views on the significance of the work for their Quakerism. Click here to watch Celebrating Quaker Work.