London Quaker House

Britain Yearly Meeting Concluded

May 8, 2015   |   Categorised in:

BYM was held May 1-4, 2015

YM2015 is the first of a new three-year arc on the theme ‘living out our faith in the world’. One of our focuses this year is housing as a particular example of a tested concern in the areas of inequality and injustice. Minutes can be found here.

Minute 51: Concluding Minute

‘I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness. And in that also I saw the infinite love of God.’     George Fox (1647)

We have set off once again from this Yearly Meeting on the long journey illumined by the Love of God, to challenge the principalities and powers of this world, and to work towards the establishment of the peaceable Kingdom. May we travel in hope, loving both our fellow travellers and those who will oppose us, and pray that in our travellings the light may break in upon us more and more.

There being no further business for the Yearly Meeting, we separate, hoping to meet again at Friends House, London from 27th to 30th May 2016, if nothing occur to prevent.


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