Joining Quakers

The first step in joining with Quakers is to attend one of our meetings. You will be welcomed and have an opportunity to find out about the Society and what it means to be Quaker. Every person who attends a Quaker meeting is considered to be fully involved in the worship and equal to all others. An application for formal membership of the Society is not made until you have attended a number of meetings and become thoroughly immersed in our worship and familiar with Quaker principles.

All who wish to attend a Quaker Meeting for Worship are welcome.

Become a Regular Attender

Different meetings have slightly different characteristics. Most meetings have a sizeable number of ‘Attenders’, who are not in membership but come regularly to meeting. Many Attenders may never become members but nevertheless find a full role in the meeting. Other Attenders may discover at any stage that they feel at home with Quakers and wish to join.

No one is going to tell you to come to meeting, this has to be something you want to do yourself.

You will slowly get to know who is who and who performs what duties, though each meeting may operate in different ways in order to support the spiritual and pastoral wellbeing of the meeting, and to manage the business of the meeting. Quaker meetings function because everyone does what they can to participate in the life of the meeting, which can range from such tasks as making tea after meeting, choosing library books on the library committee, or being an elder, overseer or trustee of the Area Meeting.

Each member and regular attender is encouraged to make an annual subscription to their local and area meeting. A percentage of this is forwarded to Britain Yearly Meeting, to pay for the administration of the national society. It is left to each person to decide the right amount to give. There is no obligation to make this contribution; Friends can also contribute directly to particular activities.

To find out more about becoming a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers):